St Giles Church
Horsted Keynes

More than a thousand years of sharing God's love in the Community

Welcome to Worship at St Giles Church

Worshipping at St Giles

For details of our services see our Regular Services page.

You can also find out more details of services on our calendar on the Home page

How to find us

St Giles is at the far end of Church Lane.  There is a sign at the top of Leighton Road, more or less opposite the bus shelter, pointing the way.

For more detailed directions see our Map & Directions page

What happens in our church on a Sunday morning?

We use the St Giles’ School playground as a car park. Drive past the left of the church, then turn right. There's a short path back to the church opposite the main entrance to the school.

The Parish Eucharist is at 10am and lasts around an hour. Families are always welcome. On most first Sundays of the month the service is shorter, simpler and especially suitable for young families.

The 8am Eucharist lasts about half an hour, is said, and uses more traditional language.

It's good to arrive by about 5 minutes before the service starts. You will be met by Welcomers, who will give you an Order of Service booklet. They will also be happy to answer any questions you have.

The 10am service includes music: hymns and other parts are sung.

  • We are greeted and invited to seek and receive God’s forgiveness for what is wrong in our lives and our world.
  • A Collect (prayer) ‘collects’ together our thoughts, prayers and the theme of the day.
  • We hear God’s Word in the Readings from Scripture (The Bible) and Sermon
  • We respond by affirming the shared faith of Christians (The Creed) and Prayers.
  • We share God’s Peace with one another.
  • The Prayer of Thanksgiving is offered over the bread and wine. Jesus told us to do this at his Last Supper as a special way of his being with and in us.
  • We say the Lord’s Prayer and are invited to receive the Communion of Christ’s Body and Blood, or a Blessing. Anyone who receives Communion in any Christian Church is welcome to do so here, otherwise please come for a Blessing.
  • We say a final prayer and then there may be notices and Banns of Marriage.
  • We are blessed and sent out to live out our faith in daily life.

Then the coffee arrives! If the weather is fine and warm this is served in the churchyard.

Why not come and see for yourself?

You are most warmly invited and will be very welcome

To become better followers of Christ by loving God and loving others

Copyright © 2017 St Giles Church, Horsted Keynes. All Rights Reserved